PG minicourse: Vertex algebras

This is the website for the PG minicourse on Vertex algebras taught by Nils Scheithauer in the first semester of 2006-7. The course will cover the following topics at an introductory level:


The course consist of three lectures at the following times and places:

  1. Thursday, 30 November 2006
    11:15am-12:45pm, JCMB 5326
    Introduction: definition and properties.
  2. Tuesday, 5 December 2006
    11am-13pm, JCMB 6301
    Affine Lie algebras and the WZW model
  3. Thursday, 7 December 2006
    10am-noon, JCMB 6301
    Lattice vertex algebras; BRST cohomology; the bosonic string on a lorentzian torus


j.m.figueroa at
Last modified: 11 Dec 2006 at 20:26 GMT