This is the website for the PG course on Spin Geometry taught by José Figueroa-O'Farrill in the Spring Semester of 2010. For other uses of the word spin, please see this wikipedia page. The use given to this word here is closest to the fourth entry on that page.
The course will consist of 10 11 two-hour lectures. Unless otherwise noted, lectures will take place on Tuesdays at 2:00pm in JCMB 4312.
The following is a tentative list of lectures with topics. Not having taught this course before, the list of topics may require modification, but any such changes will be reflected in this web page as soon as possible.
As the lectures progress I will link the lecture notes to the title of each of the lectures. A snapshot of the latest full set of lecture notes can be found here.
Problem sheets will appear here in due time. One learns by doing, so the problems are an essential part of the course. They will be used freely in the lectures.