Unitary representations of spacetime groups

This is the webpage for the lecture series "Unitary representations of spacetime groups" organised by José Figueroa-O'Farrill in the Spring Semester 2024 at the School of Mathematics of the University of Edinburgh.

Relativity groups, such as Poincaré, Galilei or Carroll, act transitively on spacetimes: Minkowski, Galilei or Carroll, respectively. These spacetimes are the arena for the dynamics of classical and quantum particles and fields. Classical particles can be classified via homogeneous symplectic manifolds of the relativity groups, whereas quantum particles (whose wavefunctions are classical fields) are classified by their projective unitary irreducible representations. For the spacetime groups under consideration, these representations can be obtained in at least two ways: geometrically quantising the symplectic manifolds or by Mackey's method of induced representations. This lecture series is about this latter method. The idea is to describe the method in some generality and then to apply it to some interesting examples.

All lectures will take place on Tuesdays at 14:30-16:00 in JCMB Lecture Theatre A starting on 30 January. There are two exceptions to this rule: there is no lecture on 20 February (flexible learning week) and the lecture on 5 March will take place in JCMB Lecture Theatre BA at the somewhat later time of 3pm. The format of all lectures will be two halves of about 40 minutes each with a break in the middle. I hope to record the lectures and make them available somehow.


  1. Tuesday, 30 January
    Lecture Theatre A, 2:30pm
    José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  2. Tuesday, 6 February
    Lecture Theatre A, 2:30pm
    José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  3. Tuesday, 13 February
    Lecture Theatre A, 2:30pm
    José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  4. Tuesday, 27 February
    Lecture Theatre A, 2:30pm
    José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  5. Tuesday, 5 March
    Lecture Theatre A, 3pm
    José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  6. Tuesday, 12 March
    Lecture Theatre A, 2:30pm
    José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  7. Tuesday, 19 March
    Lecture Theatre A, 2:30pm
    José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  8. Tuesday, 26 March
    Lecture Theatre A, 2:30pm
    José Figueroa-O'Farrill


I will place here some references as the lectures progress.

j.m.figueroa at ed.ac.uk
Last modified: Thu Jan 18 14:42:23 GMT 2024