
If you have reached this page, you are probably interested in joining the EMPG in some capacity. This page lists opportunities known to us. The EMPG sits across two universities and applications are typically university-dependent. Typically one would apply to the university of the potential supervisor/collaborator.

Postdoctoral opportunities

There are a number of prestigious postdoctoral fellowships which you can apply for to work in our research group. These are listed below. Please see their websites for more details regarding the applications and their timings. We encourage interested candidates to contact the faculty member closest to their research interests. We can help with the application process.

Postgraduate opportunities

University of Edinburgh

Please see the supervision availability described here.

Heriot-Watt Univeristy

We typically require a strong undergraduate degree in Mathematics and/or Physics and a Masters degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics and/or Mathematical/Theoretical Physics. Instructions on how to apply can be found here. We actively encourage applications from women and under-represented minority candidates.

At present the group consists of the following members, with the following research interests and supervision availability.